What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Drinking Hot Water: Health Benefits and Risks

Some people claim that hot water specifically can help improve digestion, relieve congestion, and even promote relaxation, compared with drinking cold water.

Most health benefits of hot water are based on anecdotal reports, as there’s little scientific research in this area. That said, many people feel benefits from this remedy, especially first thing in the morning or right before bed.

When drinking hot beverages,  Sourceecommends an optimal temperature of between 130 and 160°F (54 and 71°C). Temperatures above this can cause burns or scalds.

For an extra health boost and some vitamin C, try adding a twist of lemon to hot water to make.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water?

These are the benefits of drinking hot water.

  • Hot water promotes better digestion.
  • Body detoxification is aided by hot water.
  • Blood circulation is aided by hot water.
  • Weight loss is aided by hot water.
  • Drinking hot water can assist to relieve discomfort.
  • Hot water is strong against colds.
  • Stress can be relieved by drinking hot water.
  • Drinking hot water may help the central nervous system work better.
  • You can stay hydrated by drinking hot water.

While there is little scientific research into the benefits of hot water to date, there are varying degrees of agreement around these points by health and wellness experts, as well as on the general.

May relieve nasal congestion

A cup of hot water creates steam. Holding a cup of hot water and taking a deep inhale of this gentle vapor may help loosen clogged sinuses and even relieve a sinus headache.

Since you have mucous membranes throughout your sinuses and throat, drinking hot water may help warm that area and soothe a  caused by mucus buildup.

According to an older a hot drink, such as tea, provided quick, lasting relief from a runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and tiredness. The hot drink was more effective than the same drink at room temperature.

May aid digestion

Drinking water helps to keep the digestive system moving. As the water moves through your stomach and intestines, the body is better able to eliminate waste.

Some believe that drinking hot water is especially effective for activating the digestive system.

The theory is that hot water can also dissolve and dissipate the food you’ve eaten that your body might have had trouble digesting.

More research is needed to prove this benefit, though ashowed that warm water may have favorable effects on intestinal movements and gas expulsion after surgery.

In the meantime, if you feel like drinking hot water helps aid your digestion, there is no harm in using this as a remedy.

May improve central nervous system function

Not getting enough water, hot or cold, can have negative effects on your nervous system functioning, ultimately affecting mood and brain function.

Trusted Source
 has shown that drinking water can improve central nervous system activity, as well as mood.

This research showed that drinking water boosted participants’ brain activity during demanding activities and also reduced their self-reported anxiety.

May help relieve constipation

Dehydration is a common cause of constipation. In many cases, drinking water is an effective way to relieve and prevent constipation. Staying hydrated helps soften stool and makes it easier to pass.

Drinking hot water regularly may help keep your bowel movements regular.

While there’s little direct research into the benefits of hot versus cold water, drinking hot water is considered safe, and can be a good way to make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day.

Getting into the habit of drinking hot water is easy. Try starting your day with a cup of boiled water, left to cool for a while. If you’re not a tea or coffee drinker, try hot water with lemon.

Add a light session of stretching to your routine, and you’ll feel more energized and better equipped to tackle the day.

This article looks at 10 ways that drinking hot water may benefit you.

Body detoxification

Natural health advocates argue that hot water might help the body detoxify. When water is hot enough to raise a person’s body temperature, it can cause sweating. Sweating expels toxins and can help clean the pores.

Improved circulation

Hot water is a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels, improving circulation. and reduce pain.

Although no studies have directly linked hot water to sustained improvements in circulation, even brief improvements in circulation can support better blood flow to muscles and organs.

Weight loss

has long supported the idea that drinking more water can help a person lose weight. This may partially be because drinking water increases feelings of fullness. Water also helps the body absorb nutrients, and it flushes out waste.

Afound that switching from drinking cold water to hot water could increase weight loss. Researchers found that drinking 500 ml of water before a meal increased metabolism by 30 percent.

Raising water temperature to 98.6 degrees accounted for 40 percent of the increase in metabolism. This metabolic step-up lasted for 30-40 minutes, following water consumption.

Reduced pain

Hot water improves circulation and may also improve blood flow, particularly to injured muscles. No research has directly linked hot water consumption to pain relief.

However, people routinely use heat packs and hot water bottles to reduce pain. Consuming hot water may offer some internal pain relief, but it is important to note that heat can also exacerbate swelling.

Fighting colds and improving sinus health

Heat applied to the sinuses can alleviate pressure caused by colds and nasal allergies. Steam also helps unclog the sinuses.

Drinking hot water may help mucous move more quickly. This means that drinking hot water may encourage coughing and nose-blowing to be more productive.


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